February 10, 2011

Mrs. Beautifull

she has an awesome jaws.. she is soooo pweettyyy ...

Mr. and Mrs. Beautifull & family

got it from a friend of mine http://i.dont.know.the.credit.i.am.sorry.com/

2 side coin

seperti Yin dan Yang .. Hidup ini butuh keseimbangan ... "jiahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" iklan banget.. hahaha,,, no no no.. its true kok. halaman ini saya gunakan untuk memposting hal hal ga penting, alias suka- suka saya.. so jangan kaget karena saya punya 2 blog.. xixixix.. sebenernya sih belum ada yang di seriusin, maksudnya belum ada yang mau di fokusin jadi nya ada 2 deh.. heheh.. hope u enjoy this one.. cos its a Mess .. heheh

February 08, 2011

Mrs. Beautifull #1

Ms. Ketty Perry .. sweettt... <3

Mr. Cute #1

Mr. Cute eyes #1......

aww... love yaaaaaaaaaa....

January 26, 2011

no followers

what should i do to be followed?? ive got no follower at all... how pity of me.. heheh . well i guess this is where im supposed to tell my story, without anyone seing it.. but if that day comes when someone reads this.. i just might as well say .."WELCOME" ..!!!

October 06, 2010

picture talk!

lookiiee lookiiee.. im just done with another photo edit.. from photoshop.. teach by my younger sister. i like it.. it represent some of my feeling. people always judge my look.. but i try to be Me.. coz thats ME..

have a nice day..